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What Is Alcohol Use Disorder? Your Guide To Alcohol Addiction In Robbinsville

September 24, 2024

What Is Alcohol Use Disorder? Your Guide To Alcohol Addiction In Robbinsville

Many people partake in alcoholic beverages from time to time. But alcohol can become addictive. If you use alcohol to get through life or cannot limit your drinking, you might have an alcohol use disorder (AUD). This condition can quickly dominate your life and have a adverse impact on all the things you previously enjoyed. 
But don’t lose hope. If you suspect you or a person you care about have alcohol use disorder near Robbinsville , care and long-term recovery are within reach. Find out more about AUD and what to do if you need support right now. 

What Is Alcohol Use Disorder?

Alcohol use disorder is an illness where you feel compelled to drink alcohol in spite of the adverse consequences of having too much. Your brain craves the mind-altering chemicals in alcohol and no longer performs reliably without them. AUD may be severe, moderate, or mild. At its severest, you are in danger of an overdose with lethal ramifications. 
When going through AUD, you might cultivate an alcohol addiction and have disturbing withdrawal symptoms if you attempt to stop partaking. Without expert support, you cannot keep yourself from ingesting alcohol to lessen the difficulty your body experiences when you start alcohol detox. If you do manage to stop “cold turkey,” you still must combat the routine of consistent drinking. AUD needs specialized treatment to enjoy a total recovery. 

Why Do Individuals Develop Alcohol Use Disorder? 

Numerous people in Robbinsville drink, but not everyone develops an alcohol use disorder. A variety of factors influence your probability of developing AUD: 

  • Drinking as a child or teen
  • Underlying mental health disorders
  • Background of trauma 
  • Insufficient coping abilities
  • Genetics
  • Family history of addiction 
Numerous people begin binging on alcohol in response to stressful events. Without healthy coping strategies, it’s simple to combat the uneasy feelings that result from trauma and mental illness with the chemical stimulation of alcohol. When those unwanted feelings return, you turn to alcohol to shut them down again. You feel temporarily better under the influence of alcohol. 
But, alcohol is never the solution. When you use it regularly, you can become dependent on those chemicals to function. When you go without them, you feel more uncomfortable than you did before and want to drink even more. Soon, drinking consumes your life and negatively affects your employment, relationships, health, pastimes, and finances. Once you’re trapped in this endless spiral, you cannot stop drinking without specialized guidance. 

What Are Some Alcohol Addiction Symptoms?

Regular drinking doesn’t automatically indicate a disorder. Alcohol usage progresses into a disorder when it starts to interfere with your life. Numerous behaviors associated with drinking can signify an alcohol use disorder. 
You could have AUD if you: 

  • Often drink more or longer than you were expecting
  • Are unable to cease drinking even if you want to
  • Spend much time acquiring and using alcohol, even when it makes you sick or impedes other activities
  • You want to drink so much you aren’t able to focus on other things
  • Have participated in unsafe behaviors while drinking alcohol 
  • Must drink more than you used to in order to attain the desired result 
  • Have abandoned enjoyable activities so you can drink 
  • Have continued drinking despite its impact on friends and family
  • Suffer withdrawal symptoms when you cease drinking 
The intensity of your AUD often correlates to the number of symptoms you have. But any person who’s displaying indicators of alcohol addiction symptoms near Robbinsville has a right to specialized therapy and support. You don’t need to confront alcohol use disorder alone. 

What To Know About Alcohol Withdrawal Symptoms

If you have an addiction to alcohol, your body needs it to operate. If you stop drinking, your body gets sick. This is called withdrawal. 
Alcohol withdrawal symptoms differ for each individual and are reflective of how severe your alcohol consumption is. If you enter withdrawal, you may endure any mix of these symptoms: 
  • Insomnia
  • Shaky hands
  • Headache 
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Sweating 
  • Anxious feelings
  • Hallucinations 
  • Seizures 
  • Delirium tremens 
  • Delusions 
  • Confusion
  • Rapid heart rate
  • Fever
  • Elevated blood pressure 
Alcohol withdrawal symptoms are a sure-fire indication that you or a loved one has AUD and needs help. Withdrawal may be distressing and, in rare cases, even deadly if not addressed by medical professionals. If a person close to you| desires to give up alcohol but experiences withdrawal whenever they try, contact a Robbinsville substance use treatment facility for help. 

Can You “Cure” Alcohol Addiction?

Alcohol use disorder and addiction are known as chronic illnesses. Technically speaking, there is no cure. Even so, there is a possibility for lasting recovery. With the right combination of mental health and medical support, you can find how to manage the urge to drink and reach your goal of sobriety. It’s a difficult process, but numerous people overcome alcohol use disorder in Robbinsville   and reclaim their lives. 

Getting Alcohol Use Disorder Treatment In Robbinsville

No one can accomplish sobriety by themselves–and you shouldn’t have to! Getting alcohol use disorder treatment near Robbinsville might feel intimidating, but you are entitled to professional support to help you get your life back together. 
Alcohol use recovery can feel less daunting when you look at it as a series of steps steps. You won’t find single road to a sober lifestyle. Countless individuals endure setbacks and go through parts of the process more than once. But it’s important to note, you can get assistance from loved ones and qualified practitioners over the course of your journey to recovery. 
Alcohol detox: Your first step is alcohol detox. While your body eliminates those chemicals, you require medical observation that keeps you safe and relaxed. If you’re prepared to quit alcohol, enter a residential detox center near Robbinsville . You will get 24-hour guidance for a week or two as you overcome withdrawal. 
Alcohol rehab: Following detox, your mind and body will still yearn for alcohol. You will need to transfer to residential alcohol rehab where medical providers can help you control post-acute withdrawal symptoms. Alcohol rehab emphasizes restoring your brain from the influence of alcohol use. You’ll go to a few hours of therapy daily to look at the mental aspects of AUD. You’ll stay in rehab as long as necessary. 
Outpatient addiction care: Rehab will stabilize you enough to go home, but you’ll still need ongoing support to keep on a path of sobriety. Don’t leave rehab without starting an outpatient addiction program that supplies therapy and medical-assisted treatment. You are able to stay at home or at a sober living residence, but you still must see therapists and a doctor during the week. 
Sober living: Eventually, your need for addiction services will subside. But, recovery is an ongoing undertaking. Tap into the network of addiction professionals, family, and new friends you have developed to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Avoid scenarios that trigger you to consume alcohol. Find help whenever you need it. Enduring recovery is possible!  

Get Help Now For Alcohol Use Disorder Near Robbinsville

You don’t need to grapple with alcohol addiction on your own. Talk to The Counseling Center At Robbinsville to learn more about understanding, professional alcohol use disorder treatment near Robbinsville . You may reach us at 609-806-5083 or by submitting the form on this page. One of our representatives will respond right away, regardless of the hour or day. All calls are free and private. We’ll get you the treatment you need today.