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Do I Have Anxiety?

Everyone feels anxious on occasion, but when does it become an anxiety disorder? Constant anxiety is a mental condition that might hamper your everyday life. If you suspect you are facing symptoms of an anxiety disorder in Robbinsville , the following assessment can assist you in determining if it’s time to find support.

After you get your assessment results, get in touch with Praesum Healthcare to talk about your next steps. We are your source for specialized anxiety treatment near Robbinsville and will help you navigate your mental health.

Do I Have An Anxiety Disorder?

An anxiety disorder is more than feeling nervous every so often. It can seriously impact your daily commitments, relationships, and enjoyment of life. Taking our anxiety assessment can uncover potential anxiety symptoms and help you decide if it’s time to ask a healthcare provider about treatment.

*This assessment should not replace a thorough clinical evaluation.

What Is Anxiety And How Can I Know If I Have An Anxiety Disorder?

Anxiety is a natural feeling. But, you might have an anxiety disorder if you grapple with frequent feelings of extreme unease and fear. You could even face unpleasant physical symptoms along with these feelings. These symptoms could arrive unexpectedly, or you might have “triggers'' that cause them. Anxiety may also be caused by irrational fears referred to as phobias. Substance Use Disorder and different health afflictions can also bring about anxiety.

There are differing sorts of anxiety disorders, and they can come to light in a range of ways based on the person. If you have any of the ensuing symptoms on a consistent basis, talk to a qualified mental health provider:

  • Persistent, unexplained feelings of worry, fear, and unease
  • Thoughts of dread or danger outside of dangerous situations
  • Trouble alleviating anxious feelings
  • Not able to stop thinking about a situation incessantly
  • Subpar concentration
  • Obsessing over or intrusive thoughts about situations, objects, or places
  • Cold, tingling, or numb feet or hands
  • Sweating
  • Uncontrollable trembling
  • Digestive issues
  • Dry mouth
  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Hyperventilation
  • Shortness of breath
  • Muscle rigidity
  • Dizziness
  • Abrupt weakness

If anxiety symptoms are having a negative impact on your life, there is hope. Professional treatment can help reduce symptoms and instruct you on how to control your condition so you are able to live in the way you want to again.

How To Get Anxiety Disorder Treatment Near Robbinsville

If our anxiety assessment finds that you may be experiencing an anxiety disorder, don’t lose hope. You’ve just taken the first step toward enhanced mental health. At this stage, we encourage you to obtain a formal diagnosis and treatment. A psychiatrist or doctor can give you a more in-depth clinical evaluation and verify if you have an anxiety disorder. Next, they can create a treatment plan tailored to your specific needs

Even though anxiety disorders aren't able to be cured, you can develop the ability to govern your condition and live a full life with adequate treatment. Anxiety treatment will incorporate therapy, medication, or both.

Therapy allows you to control negative thought and behavioral patterns that cause or contribute to anxiety. You’ll cultivate healthy coping skills to get you past panic attacks and confront any trauma that led to your anxiety.

Medication impacts the brain chemicals that influence anxiety. It helps balance things out to ease those feelings of worry and dread. Finding the proper prescription and dosage can require some time, but your physician or therapist will confer with you to find the solution.

How The Counseling Center At Robbinsville Helps You Manage Your Anxiety

If you’re ready to find support for an anxiety disorder near Robbinsville , The Counseling Center At Robbinsville is here for you. Our mental health services in Robbinsville help you get a diagnosis and guidance under the care of qualified, understanding medical staff. We offer:

All individuals receive a personal treatment plan. After going through an individual assessment, you’ll get your treatment plan custom-tailored to your exact diagnoses and goals. We’ll help you learn more about anxiety, explore treatment choices, and govern your anxiety so you can live the life you want.

Dial 609-806-5083 today for a no-cost, confidential consultation about how The Counseling Center At Robbinsville can help you improve your mental health.